A few times just this week I have been asked the question about what I do. And well for most that isn't usually a hard question to answer. But for me it for some reason is.
When I finished school I had my share of good jobs. I started my path in l was going to be an interior designer. But then as I had to take some classes in computers I found I was really good at it and back then even started to help teach some of the classes because the teacher was taking night classes just to teach the class. And I was just picking it all up fast and naturally. So then I started to find myself in to the computing field. I loved it.
Although later I got the chance to stay home and start a family. So I have been a mom to two great kids. Through the years though I have tried to do a little something for me again. I tried to do Creative Memories scrapbooking but it was just to time consuming, took up to much space, and it cost to much to stay in as a consultant for the just little bits you sold. Then I have done MaryKay. I like MaryKay because it is a good product and even if I don't want to sell to much I can just be a personal use consultant. So this business is felxable for me and I like that. I have also tried Advocare. They are a good company. I like them too just like MaryKay because I started it to be flexable and personal use but I can make it so much more if I want to. I also found and LOVE a company called Boresha Coffee. They are just an amazing company that is changing my life. Their coffee and tea is a fat burning coffee. Yes I said it is FAT BURNING COFFEE!!! I just love that I can loose fat just by having a cup of coffee. I love it!
On top of these opportunities I also blog, am totally into social networking, and many other things. I have so many interest like shopping, cooking, traveling, etc. that I just love that makes me well rounded. So I think yes I am more than just a mom but it is sometimes hard to just tell someone what it is that I do and what I am.
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