Michele G
love this menu board.  it MAY even inspire me to cook...

So how many of you do a weekly menu?  Well I have never done one.  I guess I have felt that it limits me.  So I don't use one.  I love to pick something and fly by the seat of my pants.  Because I think that it keeps my family on their toes.  The don't have things they get use to this way and it makes things they like special because they aren't eaten all the time.  I love that because when you take the time to make something it is like it is special every time you make it.  This is because it isn't in a system like this it is when I want it, crave it, and remember to make it. 

Food is such a link to for memories so this also is a cool way to attach food to memories and not to habit.  Now this is just my two cents about this and you can do it your way and what works for your family.  But you choose do you want to have foods out of habit or to create memories & traditions?
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