Michele G
Well I have been thinking about this these days.  I have been out with some friends of mine that have jobs or my husband.  And when you are introduced and people ask you "what do you do for a living?" well my heart sinks because I know telling the I am just a mom well they really don't know what I do or who I am.  I know all of us mom's know that being a mom is hard work.  And yes it is.  The house work, meals, taking care of the kids, everyone in the house, doing the shopping, budget, and so much more that the list would go on for ever.  But what some people don't know is that some "mom's" had jobs maybe or skill beyond being a mom too.  And yes I am one of those mom's.  I don't have my resume tattooed on me but well I do have some skills and I can do things beside just clean.

When we go to church I love to try to help out and be apart of the team.  My husband has a tech job and he is a specialist.  Some are finding in church he is quite talented.  But when I go I talk to people and clean things up.  When I go to the bathroom I wipe down the counters.  When I work in the kids area I clean up the kids toys and snacks.  I try to make it in to help do the cleaning of all the rooms during the week.  I have tried to do some work in the computer/data area but I don't know they seem to think because I am home with my kids I can't do anything.  Well that is to bad too. 

When I went down my path in life I thought I wanted to be an interior designer.  I had to take a couple computer classes.  I wasn't excited to do it.  But what I found was my instructor didn't know what they were doing and I ended up teaching them some things and doing really well.  I ended up teaching myself about databases, html programing, Unix, networking, email administration and more.  I was hired and sought after some major companies.  I had a good career.  I still love it and stay in the know of technology.  I love to be in the know and on top of what I can.  I love to be challenged. 

I have also still enjoyed the fashion world and stay on top of all things there as well too.  I just love what is new where to get it when it is coming out.  This includes make up too.  I just love staying up on top of all of this information.  And I also love sharing, helping, and passing along what I can. 

I have been shopping at the mall recently and the past 2 times in the cosmetics counters the ladies have been so impressed by my knowledge of product and excitement for it that they both have told me I should work there.  I know when you have a passion for something it is contagious but wow that was just so honoring to think that "just a mom" could make an impression on someone.  I know that I have skills and I know that I have knowledge I just wish people some days could look past the fact that "mom's" there are more to them.
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