Michele G

Have you ever wondered how it is some days you function and get things done? Well I do. We have our kids in activities they want to do & love everyday of the week but sometimes I just don't know how to fit all the things in. Its almost like a puzzle. I get so tired some days but I have to keep going. And not even coffee or things helps anymore. I just go & go naturally til I crash. And it isn't bad I'm not saying that.

Now my mother-in-law tells me from time to time that I have the kids in to many things but I remind her that the kids have picked these sports and activities.  We don't push them to do these and well we use to be this active when we were kids.  But I don't argue with her I just am sweet and let her know that some how we make it work.

But that is the thing that amazes me.  At the end of the day how do I fit it all in?  It is crazy.  The homework, the study, research, the cooking, cleaning, appointments, etc.  It just all amazes me.  And well I am not a mom that runs on 5 hour energy drinks, coffee, or other things.  I just wake up with natural energy and keep a pace some how.  But some mornings I feel a little slow.  Like all my thoughts and plans just haven't connected yet.  I am such an organized & planning person so to have this slight disconnect from time to time drives me nuts.  But I am sure that it maybe has to do with lack of sleep.  If only I could sleep in one day.
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