Michele G

I love that life is full of building blocks.  Every things you do and the people that you meet help guide you and make you the person that you are.  I just love looking back and looking forward at each experience that I have had that has helped shape me.

From the time I was a kid and thought I was going to be a doctor. To the time in high school and college that I thought I was going to be an interior designer.  Things have changed my path and I am happy for that.  I wake up each day and look into the eyes of my kids and just think of all the wonderful things they are getting to explore because of me. 

I love being a mom but somedays I wake up and wonder is this what I am suppose to be?  Well this isn't the question I should be asking. Because it isn't really my plan at all it is God's.  I know I have dreams to do all sorts of things some I have tried and others I just think about but well they aren't always ment to be.  I just know that at this point I just want to be happy no matter what I am doing.

So where I have tried propbably out of being board I tried some of these at home businesses like scrapbooking, cosmetics, and vitamins.  But well those haven't made me any money.  Sure they might be good products but well I just can't can't do it or am not good at it.  I have tried a few other things but I end up voluntering or helping friends.  I just wish I could do something for me again sometimes to feel like I am feeling better. 


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