Michele G
It is really fun to watch your little one interact with other kids.  But when they find ones they really like it makes life really interesting.  My little princess has a couple really close friends.  One is a little girl that we call them both oil and water.  They both get so excited to see each other and miss each other when they are apart.  But they just fight like cats & dogs when they are together.  You would think they hate each other at times because they hit and sit one one another but they get mad when you don't allow them to play.  It is crazy.  Now of course not all days are bad.  Somedays they actually will get along.  Those days we treasure.

Princess has another friend who is a little boy.  He is so cute.  He loves to play with her Barbie's.  I love that he will let me put him in dress-up clothes.  He told his mom that he likes my daughter best with her hair down and not in pony tails.  They usually play so well together it is so cute. Princess likes to hold his hand and lead him around and take care of him.  She love to feed him too. 

I just think that little ones are so cute to watch and to see how the care for one another and to get along. 
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