This over the years I have really found to be so true. I was so young when I got married and didn't know what I was doing or what or where I was going with my life. I didn't know what my plan was so how did I know I was with the man that was the right one? I didn't really honestly know who I was. I honestly count my blessings that we didn't have kids right away and that we had some time to start to find our way in life. Because this little bit about becoming the right person was just what we were doing with our lives. We were each day growing and finding out who we were and growing into the people we are today.
I love something my husband and I both read was that through our new process is that we are to throw out the old person and start new again. Well that is all about this process about developing and becoming the right person and not already being that person. No one can already be that person because we are all human and are made with mistakes. We don't have things that we want to be ashamed of but we know that we aren't perfect and that life is a process of becoming the right person.
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