Michele G

So I have a friend that I just don't understand sometimes.  I mean I am pretty black and white when it comes to thinking but well he is a ton of grey I think.  He is still single at my age and I have known him for ages it seems.  But well he does some crazy things sometimes.  For one he met up with a girl that he found somewhere I forget and she has a kid.  He found out about the kid after a couple times together.  And well after those first couple times he knew he didn't want to continue things with her but well she didn't get the clue.  Well for over a year now she has text him and things telling him things like she is moving, what she is cooking for dinner, all sorts of stupid stuff.  But the really stupid one is that she as been out of state for months now and she just asked my friend if she could move in with him for a little bit til she found a place.  Come on lady he doesn't text you back and doesn't like you why try to have something that isn't there.  And he has nicknamed you to all his friends "crazy lady".

I also wonder why people who are young or well friends of mine that well I see that don't have insurance or just don't get sick very often not know how to take care of themselves.  If you have a cough that goes deep into your chest you don't fix it by taking Tylenol PM.  That will just make you sleepy and if you can sleep through all the coughing.  Why don't people just go to the store and talk to the pharmacist even at Rite Aid, Walgreen's, Wallmart, etc. and they are happy to help you understand what is out there on the shelves that can help you.  That is what they are there for too so ask.  Or ask a friend that you trust.  But come on you aren't going to get better if you don't treat the cold or symptoms.  It drives me nuts to see my friends do things like this to themselves.  And to see even my husband try to take Gatorade to rehydrate himself after throwing up.  You don't want to use Gatorade because it has sugar.  Use things like water, propel, and other things to get fluids into you again. 

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