In Mary Kay it is what you make it. So many people stress about making the $100 decision, Do you stress that much when you go shopping? How easy is it for you to spend a $100 at Wal-Mart or Target or whatever store you like? Do you use Mary Kay? If so would you like getting $323 in full size products for only $100 be worth it to give it a try? People stress less over buying a car then giving MK a try.
I know women who have more products they have tried spent money on and it sits under their sinks. It is worth hundres. They don't return it to the mall, to the drug store, or have a beauty consultant to call and pick it up and swap out the stuff for them hassle free. I know women that don't have the time to go to the mall or shop for their make-up when they run out and have to make special trips, miss things for the family or kids, or re-arrange their day just so they can get their make up. But if they could just order it online, text their consultant, call and have it sitting at their door waiting at home hassle free wouldn't that be nice.
Wouldn't it be nice to just be able to get more for your dollar anyway. You get 50% off just for taking this decision. And well I know that all of us look for the sale signs and clearance signs when we are shopping so this is a huge sign that is always there for you.
I also loved saving time for teachers gifts, birthdays for friends, something special for a baby shower for mom, christmas shopping, the list goes on and on. But you can now shop for all of these occations from your home and have all of these gifts at 50% off too. No running around town looking for the perfect gift or something special or at the mall. You will have it and other can also order it from you too.
So why not take the leap and just try your $100 with MaryKay and see what it can do for you!! Contact me today and I would be happy to tell you more.
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