Michele G

Today it is just another amazing day in my house.  My 3 year old wants the tv on but she won't stay in the room to watch the movie or show that is on.  But the second you try and turn it she runs in the room and starts to throw and amazing 3 year old fit.  Oh yeah it is awesome. 

And then she has tried to love and squeeze the dog so much that he has tried to hide from her.  She at one point almost pushed him down the stairs trying to hug him as he was pusing away from her.  I had to pull the gate closed at the top of the stairs and look at the dog saying this is for your own safety.  Oh my it is just crazy the things you have to do to keep everyone safe.

Also, people in my family are asking what to bring for Christmas Eve dinner.  Well I have sent an email and also sent one on facebook.  It is the same list every year of what we eat and what to sign up for to bring.  It doesn't change so I don't know what the issue is.  But I guess I just wasn't clear.  I guess I will have to find another way or do something different cause well this list of traditional food isn't working I guess.

And for the family too that don't tell you what they want for gifts or just ask for gift cards.  Well I am sorry I am not doing gift cards.  I a not going to wait til the last minute to get you what you finally think of.  Because running all over town or trying to get somthing shipped like over night well just isn't going to happen.  I am not going to pay the same to ship it here as the gift I was going to get you just because you waited to tell me til the last minute.  I think that is just nuts.  You will just get the random thing that I got for you or the As Seen On TV item that I saw on late night tv or at the store and thought oh how amazing that looks & cool it will be.

I am trying to get the house prepaired, the menu planned, everything in order and ready for Christmas Eve & Christmas Day.  All in all while still trying to have fun and fit in some sort of tradition for my own family.  Yeah it is crazy and I think I found my first grey hair.
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