Michele G

When we moved into this house we had a great neighborhood.  We started off having great neighboors and friends.  Over the years things have changed a bit as our kids and things have started to grow up.  But of course that isn't everything.  But what to me is really sad is that people just can't be nice.  I mean we all live together and we all wanted to start to get to know each other and do things so our kids would have a sence of tradition and community.  But well because of some people just not clicking together, thinking things about someone (maybe because of a rumor), or something well now we aren't the close community we use to be. 

I feel sad when our kids are in the middle.  This weekend was a good example for us.  One of our neighbors daughters saw us at basketball pictures and asked if we were going to the neighborhood christmas party.  Well we were not invited to the party.  So why call it a neighborhood party when it isn't.  My husband felt so bad telling her that we wern't going. 

See this isn't what we wanted or pictured when we first started this whole thing.  And well I am tired of people thinking they know what goes on in others homes.  Heck just because we have facebook and other things doesn't mean that we know what is going on with everyone and know everyones business.  I know I don't post everything and keep things to myself.  I don't like putting all my dirty laundry for the world to know.  I know that even your good friends and family don't know everything.  It is human nature to keep some things to ourselves.  So I just wish that people would break down the walls and get to know people for who they really are and maybe you will actually find a good friend or a good neighbor.  That is just who I am.
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