Michele G

Today is my tiny ones birthday! I just can't believe that she is 4 years old. It is amazing to me that wow how time does just fly by.  I know she will always be my baby girl.  From the moment I found out I was pregnant with her I knew my life was going to change forever.  And it did.  So many things have happened and changed but I am so blessed to have her and everything that has happened because of her.

My pregnancy was going quite well with her until I up and broke my ankle.  Yes I had to be on bed rest for most of the pregnancy after that.  I actually delivered her in a brace.  It was just amazing and the worst was to take my first steps in the hospital without a brace on out of my hospital bed knowing I had just a newborn baby that needed me.  Placing my weight on it and stepping I knew it was all for her.  I did it.  And from then on I knew I was strong enough to take anything for her.

The first year was really tough she was not a good sleeper at all.  I think I spent the first year in a chair sleeping.  She went to a sleep study even at Children's Hospital.  Yes she is a tough cookie too.  She has such a great and fun personality one that is just infectious.  And yet she is a lover too.  She is so smart and learning so much.  With all that she has going for her some people actually think she is older than she is.  Whatever it is I know I just love her so much and she is just my little best friend.

We love to hang out together, she loves to have me do her hair, and we love to put on make-up together.  She loves to go shopping with me.  She actually has great fashion sense and style.  She is my little Fashionista.  I know I will love to watch her as she grows but I also know I will cry along the way.  I just hope that she knows how much her mom loves her.  I love you my little Tinkerbell princess.  Happy Birthday Aaliyah!!!
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